Monday, December 15, 2014

My Pampering Essentials and Routine

     My Pampering Essentials and Routine 

You guys have probably seen a lot of spa day/pampering tutorials out there whether on youtube or another blog or what ever. I thought why not put another one out there for the world. My way may be different from yours and you may want to try it or maybe mine is just like yours who knows. Tell me in the comments how I should change mine, how ours are the same or different or whatever you wanna tell me.          Enjoy!!

<1> I normally take a shower first. I wash my hair, body, shave, and do as much as I can in there to get as clean as possible.

<2> After I take a shower I will take a bath. A lot of people don't like baths just because of the thought of sitting in your own filth. I was one of those people and still am. That is why I take a shower and get cleaned up before I get in the bathtub.

        I usually don't put anything fancy in my bath like a bath bomb just because they aren't always cheap. The picture of the bath bomb below is my first and I really like it. I can't remember what it is called but it is a bubbly one and it is from lush. My bath tube has the fun little jets on it so after the tube is filled I will normally turn on the jets and get a handful of the best smelling body wash I have and get the water all bubbly.

  In the bath I will usually use my shower cream from the Body Shop. It is soap free and smells like shea butter. It is really moisturizing and makes you smell super good!!

<3> Once I am out of the bath and all dried off with my hair in my turby towel I will wash my face with my Clarisonic vibrating brush. It is my favorite thing in the world!! Mine is the Clarisonic Mia and it works so well. My face feels so clean after I use it. After washing my face I will put on some sort of face mask. I sometimes using facial clay masks, lush masks, moisturizing paper masks. I will pick based on how my skin is acting that day. If my face is super dry I will use my avocado paper mask from the face shop. If my skin is super oily I will use my deep clean pore glacial face mask. I recently got this face mask from lush, but my skin doesn't seem to like it very much. I keep using it though because it smells so good and it was so expensive. I recommend not buying a lush face mask if you don't have any experience with that mask before because the smallest tube in the is my lush one and it was $21. Here are a ton of pics. They go in order as I mentioned them above. 

This is the Clarisonic

                     Avocado Paper Face Mask
Deep Clean Pore Glacial Clay and look it comes with a little spatula

 This is the lush one. It is about 1/3 the size of the one above.

<4> Now that I have washed my face and I have some sort of mask on I will go in my room and sit on my bed. I will either go on my phone or laptop for the next ten minutes. Once this time has gone by I will take off the paper mask or clay mask. In the situation of using a moisturizing mask I will take it off and just pat my face. This helps absorb as much of the moisturizer as possible. Next I just rise off my face otherwise it feels very oily. In the case of using the glacial clay I just rise it off with warm water. Finally, the lush mask has little pieces for exfoliating, so I will just lightly wet my face and scrub my face for a while until has almost washed away and then just rise off whatever is left.

<5> Next I will paint my nails. Nothing special just a solid color. Normally white or black and sometimes a peach color. I will file my nails. The clear top coat is called Pink Armor Nail Gel. It really makes your nails hard. It is a gel coat, but it isn't thick at all. It drys very thin, but really makes your nails hard so they won't chip and I love it so much.

<6> Once my nails are completely dry I will put on my lotion. For my legs I will use pretty much any brand. Recently I have been using this huge bottle of kirkland unscented lotion. For my arms I use the body shop's body butter in the scent shea and it is just a nice light smell. For my hand I use hand and nature's had cream in the scent grapefruit. Finally, my feet can get pretty dry so I use this burt's bees hand salve. Yes I use it on my feet, it works really well and I will just put on socks after.

Kirkland         Burt's Bees


Hand and Nature's                             The Body Shop

Sorry this is so long guys!!! Hope you enjoyed and don't forget to comment.

                                                        Lauren :)

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Wall Decor

Wall Decor 

Picture Heart Wall 

If you have that one plain and bare wall that is just begging to be covered. Well today is your luck day. I have just the solution for you. You need to make a picture heart wall(excuse the name). I do not take credit for this idea. I was not mine at all. It is the amazingly beautiful, Bethany Mota's idea. To check it out the video click the link below!

Step One: Pick out about 34 pictures(if you are planning to do it like mine with the alternating picture positions like vertical and horizontal). You will use 13 vertical pictures and 21 horizontal ones. 

Step Two: Lay out all of your pictures on the floor so you can arrange them to the perfect position

Step Three: Tape your pictures on the wall just to get a good layout and so you can adjust the spacing to your liking.

Step Four: In Bethany's video she just using plain scotch tape, but that did work for my walls. I ended up using tack(the stuff teachers us to hang up things in there rooms). You can pretty much buy it at any drug store. I put a little piece in each of the four corners of the picture and just stuck it up there.


Tada!! You have finished your picture heart wall. Please leave a comment below of another DIY you want me to do.

Here is the link for Bethany Mota's video:

                                                              Lauren :)

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Whats the plan?

Hey Guys This is an updated version of the description of my blog.

The original plan for this blog was all DIY projects and little fun things. Now the theme is anything cute and fun or just anything that  I do or recommend doing. Below are some pictures of diy projects that I was originally planning on doing and I still plan on getting around to them, but it may not be immediately. Thanks for clicking on my blog! Plz comment feedback and suggestions!